Welcome to The CPFA Blog

We’ve collected a variety of original news stories and analyses for your perusing, which focus on education in California, part-time faculty and/or unions in academia that have broad national appeal. As might be expected, we take special interest in social justice issues that slip under the radar of the mainstream media.

Please see our Submit Content to the CPFA Blog to add your voice to the growing chorus calling for equity for part-time faculty in higher education.

CPFA Co-Sponsors Part-time Faculty Teaching Load Bill

PRESS RELEASE The California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA) announces that it will be co-sponsoring the new “Part-time Faculty Teaching Load” bill, AB 897 along with the California Federation of Teachers (CFT). Introduced to state legislators by Assembly Member Jose Medina (D-Riverside) on February 20, 2019, AB 897 would raise the ...

CPFA At 20 (Part II)

By Robert Yoshioka, Ph.D. << Back to Part I << Too often, full-timers, union bosses, and administrators see part-time faculty as disposable, replaceable cogs in their educational juggernaut, and we are told repeatedly to “suck it up,” when it comes to agreeing to teach less-than-prime time classes, let alone not ...
/ CPFA Journal, e-Newsletter

67% Survey

Hover your mouse over a chart to pause the slideshow. Should the 67% part-time teaching load limit be increased? Part-time or adjunct faculty in the California Community College system were originally limited to teaching 60% of a full-time load of 15 units.    In 2007, CPFA succeeded in passing legislation ...

Why the Supreme Court Ruling on Unions Could Be Good for Adjuncts

By Keith Hoeller Originally published in The Chronicle of Higher Education Republished with consent of the author. June 29, 2018 The debate over Janus v. AFSCME, on which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week, appeared to be between the conservative view that unions can do nothing right and the ...

CFT Convention: Votes 80% Workload Cap

Read about the CFT Convention vote to raise the part-time faculty workload cap to 80 percent on the CFT website or go directly to the the CFT convention report. If you like seeing news like this on CPFA's website be sure to give us a like on Facebook or leave ...

Highlights from 2018 CPFA Conference

CPFA 2018 Annual Conference  San Diego City College, Saturday May 5, 2018​   Panelists discussed local achievements for PT faculty, goals for equity and office hours, moving the 67% PT load limit to 80% or 100%, the impact of the Janus decision on union relations with PT faculty. Will they ...

Building Job Security into Community College Faculty Work

Experiences in British Columbia by Frank Cosco, originally published on LABORonline's blog (LAWCHA) on November 6th Frank Cosco is currently First Vice-President of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of British Columbia. He’s been a faculty member at Vancouver Community College for a few decades and he’s taught English in Japan, Italy and Quebec ...

CPFA At 20

Part I of II (Read Part II) By Robert Yoshioka, Ph.D. Originally published in the CPFA Journal, Spring 2018 edition. 1998 will go down as a pivotal year in the history of part time faculty working in the California Community College System. It was that fall that a hearty band ...
/ CPFA Journal, e-Newsletter

Where Does the Money Go?: Transparent California Data Analysis

By David Milroy and members of the San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association (SDAFA) Originally published in the CPFA Journal, Spring 2018 edition. Read more>> As a part-time or adjunct instructor, have you ever wondered how the millions of dollars in your college’s budget are spent? Where does the money come ...

80% Workload for Part-Time Faculty: NEW CFT Resolution

Report (with some personal commentary) on The CFT 80% Resolution By John Govsky, Co-Chair CFT Part-Time Faculty Committee  The California Federation of Teachers (CFT), at its 2018 convention, passed a resolution stating that the CFT will work to change the California Ed. Code to raise the current cap on how ...


AGAINST TENURISM appeared as a feature article in the CPFA Journal, Fall 2017 edition. Access the full journal online here. In my book Equality for Contingent Faculty: Overcoming the Two-Tier System (Vanderbilt University Press, 2014) (Read more here), I contributed an article entitled “The Academic Labor System of Faculty Apartheid.”  While the ...

Income Disparity: Read the “Secret Lives of Bay Area Part-time Professors”

Secret lives of Bay Area part-time profs: Here's why they work at Safeway, live out of cars An Excerpt from the Article by Ted Andersen for the SFGATE Updated 5:18 pm, Monday, February 5, 2018   A vice chancellor and a part-time college professor walk into a bar. They have a drink ...

Support AB 310: Paid Office Hours for Part-time Faculty

January 16, 2018 Assembly Member Jose Medina Capitol Office, Room 2141 Sacramento, CA 94249-0061 (916) 319-2061      RE: SUPPORT AB 310 (Medina) Dear Assembly Member Medina: As the Chair and Legislative Analyst for the California Part-Time Faculty Association, (CPFA), an association representing nearly 40,000 part-time California Community College teachers, CPFA ...

Freeway Fliers, A Documentary Film

In December of 2014, we blogged about an upcoming documentary in the works: Freeway Fliers: A Documentary about Higher Education's Best Kept Secret Now you can watch the full documentary film The film, by Brad Rettele, Professor X and Professor Y (the latter two being anonymous adjuncts involved in the ...