Table of Contents

Article 1 Executive Council
Section 1. Terms of Office
Section 2. Vacancy
Section 3. Recall of EC Members
Section 4. Nominations and Elections
Section 5. Commencement of Terms of Office
Section 6. Limitations of Office
Section 7. Duties of All EC Members
Section 8. Duties of EC Chair
Section 9. Duties of Legislative Analyst
Section 10. Duties of Director of Administration
Section 11. Duties of Director of Finance
Section 12. Duties of Director of Publications
Section 13. Duties of Director of Membership
Section 14. Duties of Director of Public Relations and Communication
Section 15. Duties of Director of Social Media
Section 16. Duties of Regional Representatives
Section 17. Contract Membership Representatives
Section 18. Additional Comments

Article 2 Regional Assemblies and Local Chapters
(Repealed December 8, 2001)

Article 3 Membership
Section 1. Dues
Section 2. Dues Relief for Hardship (Repealed June 27, 2009)
Section 3. Honorary or Emeritus Membership
Section 4. Founding Members
Section 5. Sustaining Members
Section 6. Institutional Membership
Section 7. Contract Membership
Section 8. Payroll Deduction of Dues
Section 9. Student Members (Repealed June 27, 2009)

Article 4 Meetings
Section 1. Plenary Meetings
Section 2. Special Meetings
Section 3. Emergency Meetings
Section 4. Quorum at Meetings
Section 5. Adjournment of Meetings
Section 6. Meeting Processes
Section 7. EC and Committee Business by E-mail
Section 8. Minutes

Article 5 Committees
Section 1. Committees
Section 2. Membership of Committees
Section 3. EC Members Serving on Committees
Section 4. Replacing Committee Members
Section 5. Committee Reports
Section 6. Ad Hoc Committees
Section 7. Committee Plans
Section 8. Committee Actions

Article 6 Finances
Section 1. Financial Report
Section 2. Duties of the Director of Finance
Section 3. Standing Rules of Finance
Section 4. Deposits and Disbursements

Article 7 Changes to the By-laws
Section 1. Changes to the By-laws

California Part-time Faculty By-laws


Section 1. Terms of Office

Members of the Executive Council (hereinafter referred to as the “EC”) shall be elected for two (2) year terms of office by a majority of the votes cast by the California Part-Time Faculty Association (CPFA)  membership-at-large. Candidates for EC Chair, Directors, and Regional Representatives shall be elected from the CPFA members in good standing.

Section 2. Vacancy

  1. In the event that any EC Member resigns, the EC may appoint a replacement from CPFA membership by a majority of the EC voting (see Article 1, Section 4, Part C of these By-laws). The replacement shall serve until the next election for that position.
  2. In the event an EC member fails to participate in the business of the EC for thirty (30) calendar days without leave (leave may be granted by a majority vote of the EC but may not exceed more than three (3) months duration) such action shall be construed as resignation from the EC by said EC Member. The vacancy may be filled by the procedure described in Article 1, Section 2, Part A of these By-laws.
  3. Barring extraordinary circumstances, vacancies will be filled within one (1) month if three (3) months or more remain before the next election.

Section 3. Recall of Executive Council Members

In the event that the membership or the EC becomes dissatisfied with the performance of any EC Member, the membership or the EC may petition for a recall of that EC Member with a recall petition submitted to the EC and signed by a minimum of thirty (30) Members or two-thirds (⅔) of the EC. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of said petition, the EC shall hold a special balloting of the EC Representatives. Removal of the named EC Member shall require: 1) that a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the EC Members cast ballots, and 2) that two-thirds (⅔) of those voting vote for recall.

Section 4. Nominations and Elections

  1. Elections for EC shall be held each year between March 1st and June 30th and announced to the CPFA membership by any reasonable means at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance. The Chair, Director of Administration, Director of Publications, Northern California Representative, Bay Area Representative, and Central California Representative shall be elected in odd-numbered years.
  2. The Legislative Analyst, Director of Finance, Director of Membership, Director of Public Relations and Communications, Greater Los Angeles Representative, and Southern California Representative,  shall be elected in even-numbered years.
  3. Notwithstanding Article 1, Section 1, Terms of Office of these By-laws, in the event that a serving EC Member is elected to a different position, the position he or she vacated will be open for nomination in that election even if only one (1) year of the term of office remains. The Chair of the Elections Committee will accept nominations for the newly vacated position(s) either (a) from the floor for a period of five (5) minutes when elections are conducted during a live meeting or (b) by email during an advertised period of no less than five (5) days when elections are conducted remotely. In all cases, the Chair will verify that the nominee(s) accept the nomination.
  4. Following the announcement of positions open for election, any CPFA member may put forth his or her own name in nomination for any position open to him or her, or with the nominee’s consent, any Member may be nominated for a position open to him or her by any other Member. Nominations will be by written notice to the Election Committee; e-mail is acceptable. When elections are conducted during a live meeting, nominations will be closed two (2) hours before the time announced for the election; and, if there are no nominations two (2) hours before the election, nominations will be taken from the floor. When elections are conducted remotely, nominations will be closed no more than four (4) weeks and no less than two (2) weeks before the election.
  5. When elections are conducted during a live meeting, elections will proceed from Chair to Legislative Analyst to Director of Administration to Director of Finance to Director of Publications to Director of Membership to Director of Public Relations to Director of Communications, to Director of Social Media to Northern California Representative to Central California Representative to Greater Los Angeles Representative to Southern California Representative.
  6. Notwithstanding Article 1, Section 1, Terms of Office, of these By-laws, uncontested positions will be decided by acclamation.
  7. After ballots are tallied, the nominee receiving over fifty (50) percent of the votes cast will be declared the winner. If no nominee has over fifty (50) percent of the votes cast, the two (2) nominees receiving the highest percentage of votes will take part in a second balloting. When elections are conducted during a live meeting, the second balloting shall occur immediately. When elections are conducted remotely, the second balloting shall be announced immediately and conducted as soon as is practicable. The nominee who then receives over fifty (50) percent of the votes cast will be declared the winner.

Section 5. Commencement of Terms of Office

Incoming EC Members begin their terms of office with the close of elections.

Section 6. Limitations of Office

No EC Member may serve concurrently in two (2) EC positions.

Section 7. All EC members shall be responsible for:

  1. subscribing to the El Chorro listserv and timely and regular participation on the EC
  2. attending all EC meetings and the Annual Conference, with exceptions for compelling reasons;
  3. jointly reviewing our mission statement each year, evaluating progress on the strategic plan, and revising both as needed;
    submit reports on activities and progress during EC meetings.

Section 8. The EC Chair shall be responsible for:

  1. presiding over all EC Meetings, including setting dates, times, and agendas, maintaining order, and conducting votes (exception: when voting on the EC e-mail list, Director of Administration tracks votes);
  2. presiding over the annual Plenary Meeting (also known as the Annual Conference), including calling to order and conducting votes;
  3. establishing relationships with the leaders of key faculty organizations, state leaders, and attending important meetings as needed and reporting back to the EC;
  4. initiating and developing coalitions with other faculty or labor organizations around the state or nationally;
  5. serving as California Part-time Faculty Association’s chief correspondent, the contact person for public correspondence or inquiries about the California Part-time Faculty Association (hereinafter referred to as the “CPFA”);
  6. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 9. The Legislative Analyst shall be responsible for:

  1. reporting to the EC and the CPFA membership any legislation concerning part-time faculty and tracking the bills as they move through the process;
  2. analyzing the bills and how they affect members;
  3. organizing letter writing campaigns as needed;
  4. seeking legislators to carry our own bills or legislative proposals;
  5. developing relationships with key legislators and educating them about CPFA issues;
  6. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 10. The Director of Administration shall be responsible for:

  1. researching possible dates and locations for the annual Plenary Meeting (also known as the Annual Conference), and once the decision is made by the EC, making the reservations;
  2. working with a local committee to research lodging options for participants and provide food during the meetings;
  3. informing the membership through e-mail and the CPFA website about the annual Plenary Meeting (also known as the Annual Conference) and lodging options;
  4. recording, reporting, and filing the minutes at the annual Plenary Meeting (also known as the Annual Conference) and all EC meetings;
  5. keeping track of votes taken by the EC , including tracking the motions, seconds, discussion, and setting the clock on;
  6. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 11. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for:

  1. creating and maintaining an annual budget;
  2. distributing reimbursements for operating expenses to EC members as needed;
  3. send invoices and proofs to CPFA News advertisers;
  4. planning fundraising activities as needed;
  5. researching and writing grants as needed;
  6. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.
  7. responsible for bookkeeping and reconciling financial records of CPFA

Section 12. The Director of Publications shall be responsible for producing a biannual newspaper to be distributed to California Community Colleges:

  1. planning the content, layout, and design of each issue;
  2. soliciting and editing articles;
  3. soliciting cartoons and pictures as needed;
  4. writing articles, fillers, as needed;
  5. proofreading the final copy and sending to the printers;
  6. creating an advertising packet and soliciting advertisements;
  7. overseeing the distribution of the CPFA Journal
  8. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 13. The Director of Membership shall be responsible for:

  1. maintaining the membership database and a current membership count;
  2. notifying Director of Finance of collected membership dues
  3. tracking and collecting membership renewals, including sending out reminders to the general membership and to individual members as needed;
  4. sending membership welcome packet;
  5. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 14. The Director of Public Relations and Communications shall be responsible for:

  1. establishing a relationship with reporters at major state newspapers;
  2. maintain statewide media list with contact information;
  3. creating and sending out press releases as needed;
  4. creating CPFA promotional material (videos, media packet, flyers, fact sheets, brochures, articles) as needed to be distributed at special events and for special occasions;
  5. maintaining a file of articles/press releases published about CPFA or part-time faculty issues;
  6. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 15. The Director of Social Media shall be responsible for facilitating communications between the EC and the membership:

  1. creating timely updates for membership on El Chorro listserv in conjunction with the Chair;
  2. monitoring the El Chorro listserv to make sure that members’ questions and concerns are answered;
  3. making sure that issues of concern to the membership are addressed by the EC and reporting back to the El Chorro listserv as appropriate on these issues;
  4. reporting to social media outlets on major decisions made by the EC;
  5. compile quarterly reports from EC members and distribute through social media platforms;
  6. subscribing to and monitoring other part-time faculty listservs and forwarding relevant articles to social media outlets;
  7. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 16. The 5 Regional Representatives shall be responsible for:

  1. recruit and increase membership in their region;
  2. organizing one (1) annual CPFA Regional Meeting for members;
  3. establish CPFA contacts for membership and activities on each campus in their region;
  4. work with the Director of Publication in organizing the distribution of CPFA Journal in their region by identifying contact persons at each district where drop shipments can be made;
  5. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

A. The Northern Regional Assembly shall represent membership from the following California Community College (hereinafter referred to as the “CCC”) districts:

Butte-Glenn Community College District
Feather River Community College District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
Lassen Community College District
Los Rios Community College District
Mendocino-Lake Community College District
Napa Valley Community College District
Redwoods Community College District
San Joaquin Delta Community College District
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Sierra Joint Community College District
Siskiyou Joint Community College District
Solano County Community College District
Sonoma County Community College District
Yuba Community College District

B. The Bay Area Regional Assembly shall represent membership from the following CCC districts:

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District
Contra Costa Community College District
Foothill-DeAnza Community College District
Marin Community College District
Ohlone Community College District
Peralta Community College District
San Francisco Community College District
San Jose-Evergreen Community College District
San Mateo County Community College District
West Valley-Mission Community College District

C. The Central Regional Assembly shall represent membership from the following CCC districts: 

Cabrillo Community College District
Gavilan Community College District
Hartnell Community College District
Merced Community College District
Monterey Peninsula Community College District
Sequoias Community College District
State Center Community College District
West Hills Community College District
Yosemite Community College District

D. The Greater Los Angeles Regional Assembly shall represent membership from the following CCC districts:

Antelope Valley Community College District
Cerritos Community College District
Citrus Community College District
Compton Community College District
El Camino Community College District
Glendale Community College District
Long Beach Community College District
Los Angeles Community College District
Mt. San Antonio Community College District
Pasadena Area Community College District
Rio Hondo Community College District
Santa Clarita Community College District
Santa Monica Community College District

E. The Southern Regional Assembly shall represent membership from the following CCC districts:

Allan Hancock Joint Community College District
Barstow Community College District
Chaffey Community College District
Coast Community College District
Copper Mountain Community College District
Desert Community College District
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
Imperial Community College District
Kern Community College District
MiraCosta Community College District
Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
North Orange County Community College District
Palo Verde Community College District
Palomar Community College District
Rancho Santiago Community College District
Riverside Community College District
San Bernardino Community College District
San Diego Community College District
San Luis Obispo County Community College District
Santa Barbara Community College District
South Orange County Community College District
Southwestern Community College District
Ventura County Community College District
Victor Valley Community College District
West Kern Community College District

Section 17. Contract Membership Representatives

  1. organizing one (1) annual CPFA Regional Meeting for members;
  2. work with the Director of Publication in organizing the distribution of CPFA Journal in their region by identifying contact persons at each district where drop shipments can be made;
  3. creating committees as needed to help carry out these responsibilities.

Section 18. Additional Comments

Notwithstanding Article 1, Sections 7 through 16 inclusive, the EC members Job Descriptions describe the ideal, what we hope to accomplish as Directors and Reps, but that without volunteers from the membership to serve on committees or as assistants to the Directors, we may not be able to accomplish all the items on this list. Directors and Reps will have to make their own priority list of what they can accomplish on their own, and then try to find help with the rest. It will be their responsibility to make every reasonable effort to find assistants to help with what they can’t do, or to form committees to do so, but if no volunteers are forthcoming, then some of the duties in this job description may not be fulfilled. The Directors and Reps should not be held responsible for what is left undone for lack of volunteers to help.


(repealed December 8, 2001)

ARTICLE 3. MEMBERSHIP (back to top)

Section 1. Dues

Membership Dues

Regular Membership $40 per year
Institutional Membership $500 per year
Sustaining Membership $100 per year minimum
Contract Membership Varies per School/District

Dues are payable at the time of application for membership and at the corresponding date each year thereafter. The rights of membership shall include voting rights.  The rights of membership may be withdrawn from any member who fails to pay his or her dues in a timely manner.

Section 2. Dues Relief for Hardship.

Repealed June 27, 2009

Section 3. Honorary or Emeritus Membership.

The EC may bestow Honorary Membership or Emeritus Membership on individuals who have strongly supported the Association’s goals. Notwithstanding Article 3, Section 1, Dues, of these By-laws, Honorary and Emeritus Members of the Association shall have their dues assessment waived.

Section 4. Founding Members.

Members joining the Association on or before June 30, 1999 will be honored as “Founding Members.”

Section 5. Sustaining Members.

Members who have chosen to pay dues of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more per year will be honored as “Sustaining Members.”

Section 6. Institutional Membership.

Institutional support of the CPFA is encouraged by “Institutional Membership” with dues of five hundred dollars ($500) per year. Institutional Membership includes 5 regular memberships for the institutional member’s officers.

Section 7. Contract Membership.

  1. Contract Membership: An organization representing part-time faculty in the California Community College system may be designated a Contract member upon majority approval of the EC.
  2. Contract Members will designate their own representative to sit on the EC to represent their respective organization with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges in accordance with CPFA’s Constitution and Bylaws.
  3. Notwithstanding Article 3, Sections 1, 4, and 5, payroll deduction will be established when and where feasible. Contract membership dues will be assessed at a rate of $1.00 per pay period.
  4. All Contract Members have full membership voting rights.

Section 8. Payroll Deduction of Dues

Notwithstanding Article 3, Sections 1, 4, and 5, payroll deduction will be established when and where feasible. Regular membership dues will be assessed at a rate of $4.00 per pay period. Sustaining memberships will be assessed at a rate of $10.00 per pay period.

Section 9. Student Members.

Repealed June 27, 2009

ARTICLE 4. MEETINGS (back to top)

Section 1. Plenary Meetings.

A plenary meeting of the CPFA will be held once each year between April 1st and June 30th to elect EC Members and Regional Representatives in accordance with Article 1 of these By-laws and to conduct other Association business. Other plenary meetings may be called from time to time as determined by the EC. An announcement of a plenary meeting will be made to the Association  by any reasonable means at least fifteen (15) days in advance and will include at least the following information:

  1. the time the meeting will begin,
  2. the time it will adjourn,
  3. the location, and
  4. the specific agenda of business to be conducted

Section 2. Special Meetings.

A. Special Meetings of the EC may be called by the EC Chair or by any three other EC Members with at least two weeks’ notice of:

  1. the time the meeting will begin,
  2. the time it will adjourn,
  3. the location, and
  4. the specific agenda of business to be conducted.

B. Notice of meetings will be to all EC Members and Regional Representatives by any reasonable means.

Section 3. Emergency Meetings.

An Emergency Meeting of the EC may be called by fifty percent (50%) of the EC at any time.

Section 4. Quorum at Meetings.

A Quorum at Plenary, Special, or Emergency Meetings of the EC shall not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the EC Membership.

Section 5. Adjournment of Meetings.

Meetings will end at or before the time announced on the agenda unless there is a majority vote to continue.

Section 6. Meeting Processes.

Unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution or By-laws of the CPFA , all meetings will be conducted according to The Modern Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Meetings will be open to Members of the CPFA in good standing and guests. However, guests have no voting privileges on matters before the membership.

Section 7. EC and Committee Business by E-mail.

EC and committee business will often be conducted via E-mail postings to all relevant members. Where consensus can be reached on a matter within forty-eight (48) hours after posting, said matter will be deemed by the Chair to have passed. However, if a vote is called for or an objection raised, then, unless a majority of votes cast within forty-eight (48) hours of the call for the question are supportive and the total votes so cast represent at least fifty percent (50%) of the EC members, the matter will be deemed as failed. Otherwise, the matter will be deemed as passed.

Section 8. Minutes.

Minutes of all business conducted by the CPFA shall be kept and made available on-line as soon as reasonably possible or from the Director of Administration within thirty (30) days of a request. Business here means:

  1. Motions/decisions passed or failed,
  2. Amendments to the CPFA Constitution or By-laws (passed or failed),
  3. Officers and Representatives elected.

ARTICLE 5. COMMITTEES (back to top)

Section 1. Committees.

Committees will be established as needed.

Section 2. Membership of Committees.

The Chairperson of the committees shall be appointed from the CPFA by the EC. All committee Chairs must be members of the EC.

Section 3. EC Members Serving on Committees

At least one (1) member of each committee shall be an EC Member. However any EC Member may attend, a committee in an advisory or in a non-voting participant capacity No candidate for or current holder of an EC position up for Election in a given year will be a member of the Election Committee in that year.

Section 4. Replacing Committee Members.

The EC shall have the power to remove and/or replace any Committee Chair.

Section 5. Committee Reports.

The committee Chair will report out to the EC during regular monthly meetings.

Section 6. Committee Plans.

Each Chair is to submit a proposal of its plans to the EC by the end of the first month of committee operation.

Section 7. Committee Actions.

All committee actions are subject to approval by the EC.

ARTICLE 6. FINANCES (back to top)

Section 1. Financial Reports.

Each September, December, March, and June, the Director of Finance shall send the EC a financial report giving the current status of all association funds, debts, and outstanding obligations, and describing the financial activity of the CPFA during the previous three months.

Section 2. Duties of the Director of Finance.

  1. Select and chair the Finance Committee, which shall consist of three (3) to five (5) other members who will assist the Director as delegated.
  2. Take responsibility for the financial operation of CPFA by
    1. maintaining bank accounts and records;
    2. overseeing all deposits and withdrawals;
    3. submitting quarterly, yearly, and long-range budget proposals to the EC;
    4. overseeing all matters relating to assets and liabilities of CPFA;
    5. carrying out the Standing Rules of Finance regarding dues and reimbursement policies; and
    6. providing quarterly financial statements to the EC. (7) submit all federal and state reports.

Section 3. Standing Rules of Finance

  1. Bank Accounts: All funds shall be kept in a state-wide bank. Except for necessary minimum amounts for checking, funds will be deposited in an interest bearing account.
  2. The Director of Finances will appoint up to four (4) signatories including him/herself and the EC Chair. Necessary bank signature cards will be signed annually. The Director of Administration shall keep copies of all required bank resolutions.
  3. Dues collection procedures shall be coordinated with the Director of Membership.

Section 4. Deposits and Disbursements

  1. The Director of Finance and the Director of Membership may deposit dues and contributions as received. Photocopies of checks and deposit slips are available through the bank. Section 5. Disbursements
  2. Expenditures up to $500.00 require one signature from those eligible to sign checks. Expenditures over $500.00 require two signatures from those eligible and EC approval for the expenditures.
  3. The budget expenses will include costs of duplication, mailing, telephone, travel (including fares, lodging, gas, and food), promotional activities, publications, banking expenses, and other categories approved by the EC.
  4. Unbudgeted expenses over $50.00 that are not included in the budget shall have prior approval by the EC Chair and the Director of Finance.


Section 1. Changes to the By-laws.

Changes to these By-laws shall be made in accordance with Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution of the California Part-time Faculty Association.

Ratified 10/1/2021