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2023, CPFA Journal

Fall 2023

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Spring 2023

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2022, CPFA Journal

Fall 2022

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Spring 2022

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2021, CPFA Journal

2020, CPFA Journal

2019, CPFA Journal

Fall 2019 


  • The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations in California’s Higher Education by Keith Law
  • CPFA Talks to Senators Feinstein, Harris & CalRTA About Eliminating the WEP & The GPO by
  • What is the WEP? By David Milroy
  • Chair’s Report By John Martin

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Spring 2019


  • The Real Message About Contingency by Jack Longmate
  • The Early Years of CPFA by Dave Bush
  • The Two Tier System by Donna Frankel
  • There’s no such thing as an adjunct professor by Debra Leigh Scott

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2018, CPFA Journal
Front Page CPFA Journal 2018

Fall 2018


  • Everything you need to know about how the 67% Law (AB 591) came about but were afraid to ask by John Martin
  • CPFA at 20 (Part II) by Robert Yoshioka
  • What Do You Think About the 67% Limit? A survey created by CPFA, and sent to adjuncts across the state with 447 respondents
  • UPTE Convention Resolution – 67% Workload Cap
  • Report (with some personal commentary) on the CFT 80% Resolution by John Govsky
  • Chair’s Report by John Martin

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Spring 2018


  • CPFA at 20 (Part I) by Robert Yoshioka
  • Where Does The Money Go? By David Milroy & SDAFA
  • San Diego City College Adjusts Seek Justice by Members of SDAFA
  • The Case for AB 310 by Adam Wetsman
  • Job Security For Community College Faculty in British Colombia by Frank Cosco

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2017, CPFA Journal

Fall 2017


  • Against Tenurism by Keith Hoeller
  • Part-time Faculty: The Persistent Paradox by Deirdre Frontczak, Debbie Klein and Louise Mackenzie
  • Tenure for the Common Good by Carolyn Betensky
  • The Healthy California Act by David Welch and Tom Reed
  • IMHO: CPFA Chair’s Report by John Martin
  • Bill to Strengthen Due-Process for Faculty by Jeffery Michels

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Special Summer Edition


  • CPFA Thank You to Assembly Member Jose Medina by CPFA Journal Staff Writer
  • Why Overloads are a Bad Deal for All Faculty by Jeff Baker
  • The March Goes On! by CPFA Journal Staff Writer
  • Time and Meaningful Work by Elliot Rossiter
  • Q&A: Unemployment & Retirement for PT
  • Are you a PT Union Rep Sellout?

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2016, CPFA Journal

Fall 2016


  • Academia and TRUMP: the shared politics of division By Adjun’ct N’oise
  • Contingent Faculty Bill of Rights by Jack Longmate
  • Governor Brown to part-timers: negotiate! by Robert Yoshioka and John Martin
  • Transparent California: Your Department’s Wages by Carol Green
  • Report from the Chair: Legislation Negotiation By John Martin
  • Goals of the Contingent Faculty Movement By Jack Longmate
  • Gird Your Loins by Dennis Selder
  • Do’s & Dont’s for Campus Equity Week & National Adjunct Walk-Out Day Events! by David Milroy
  • How to negotiate with the State of California By Robert Yoshioka
  • Interview with activist Arnie Schoenberg By Dennis Selder
  • Book Review: Educational Erosion by Niall Christie

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Spring 2016


  • The second time is a charm by John Martin
  • Where do your union dues (and agency fees) go? by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • Censorship is not the answer by Keith Law
  • Keeping a watchful eye on your annual CalSTRS Statement by Deborah Dahl Shanks
  • Court of Appeals rules in favor of Part-time Faculty rights by Peter Morse
  • Absence of Empathy by Jack Longmate
  • Do most Part-Time Faculty end up working part-time? by Kiran Malavade
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • Parity, Again by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • News Briefs

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2015, CPFA Free Press

Fall 2015


  • The Parity Fairytale by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • A Powerful Advocate Steps Down from PTF Leadership (Interview of Phyllis Eckler)
  • San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association Established by David Milroy
  • Support, Watch, Oppose, Or… by Robert Yoshioka
  • Retirement and You by Deborah Dahl Shanks 
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • National Adjunct Walkout Day and CPFA Membership by Dennis Selder 
  • Represented or Managed? ~ Your John: Negotiated Every Day by Dennis Selder 
  • News Briefs

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Spring 2015


  • The Double Speak of Let’s Get Together By Marnie Webster
  • CPFA & UPTE go to NAWD in Sacramento by Margaret Manzimanolis
  • Let’s not study the problem; let’s solve it by Jack Longmate
  • ACCJC’s Significant Unlawful Practices Need to be Stopped By Colette Marie McLaughlin
  • Pomp and last minute circumstance: Hiring Practices at Community Colleges by Dennis Selder
  • Unions need to step up for equality by Keith Hoeller
  • Report From the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • Membership is Everyone’s Responsibility by Dennis Selder
  • Interview: Joe Berry & Helena Worthen by CPFA Free Press
  • How one adjunct walked away from an abusive relationship and broke his rusty cage? By Bradley Rettele

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2014, (CPFA) Community College Journal

Fall 2014


  • Adjunct Faculty and The Ring of Power by Dennis Selder
  • National Adjunct Walkout Day Organized by Marnie Weber
  • Lessons from CoCal: It’s all in the process by Krista Eliot
  • Reflections on the Hayward Award by John Sullivan
  • Adjuncts are but a symptom by Marnie Weber
  • Death of a Canary Signifies Need for Healthy Reform by Colette Marie McLaughlin
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • Membership Update by Dennis Selder
  • Interview with advocate and activist Lin Fraser
  • Why Can’t we all work together? by William Lipkin
  • Across-the-board Raises by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • Adjunct, Be Not Loud by Jefferey Ross

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Spring 2014


  • Students Lose in Districts Most Reliant on PTF by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • Arbitrator finds in favor PT counselor at SWC
  • Walking the Labyrinth at City College of San Francisco by Leslie Simon
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • AB 2705 will cost nothing, but will do much
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work: Colorado’s Community College Pay and Benefits Equity Act (HB 14-1154) by Suzanne Hudson, Caprice Lawless and Ellen Slatkin
  • AB 1942 would remedy accreditation commission running amok
  • Book Review — Equality for Contingent Faculty: Overcoming the Two-Tier System by Martin Goldstein
  • Scientists Prove Long-Held Assumption that Elected Campus Positions Lead to Premature Arrogance Syndrome by Cronk News
  • Adjunct circus to debut at the College of the Northsouth by Cronk News

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2013, (CPFA) Community College Journal

Fall 2013


  • Why the crisis at City College of San Francisco matters by Helena Worthen
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • Life in the twilight zone: inequality institutionalized
  • Prospecting for data streams in a data desert by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • CPFA 2013 California Community College Faculty Wage, Salary, and Parity Analysis data compiled by Margaret Hanzimanolis
  • Is being an Academic Jerk the secret to success? by Dr. Mewburn
  • High Cost of Accreditation Drives Some Colleges to “Shop Around” for Better Deals by Con Chapman, Cronk News

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Spring 2013


  • Obamacare woes? Combat Administrative Bloat: Spend 80% of Revenues on Instruction by P.D. Lesko
  • Fox News ban: content neutrality or censorship? by Scott Jaschik
  • Best Practices: Butte College continues to rate outstanding by Laurel Hartley
  • Letters from elChorro
  • IMHO: Report from the Chair by John Martin
  • SB 114 – Improved reporting of service credit to CalSTRS by Sharon Hendricks
  • Duty of fair representation and vandalism: Green River Battleground by Jack Longmate
  • University Implements Controversial Hours-Tracking by Monty Tufnel and Leah Wescott

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2012, (CPFA) Community College Journal

Fall 2012


  • Community college “shared” governance: songs of vice and mire by Rob Jenkins
  • COCAL X Sees Broader Economic, Political Analysis
  • Report from the Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • “Loss aversion” an inherent feature of contingency? by Jack Longmate
  • Unused Sick Leave at Retirement — Use It, Transfer It, or Lose It by Cliff Liehe
  • Bi-partisan proposal would aid parents, students in making informed choices

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Spring 2012


  • SSTF Reforms will hurt those who need community college the most by Leah Halper
  • New law would allow Colorado’s Public Colleges to Offer Some Adjuncts Multilyear, Enforceable Contracts by Audrey Williams June
  • Letters to the Editor
  • CPFA Chair: IMHO by John Martin
  • Adjunct Moneyball by Isaac Sweeny
  • Using Leverage: How Archimedes Can Help in Collective Bargaining by Mark James Miller
  • Why I won’t fight to protect tenure by George Bailey
  • The Absent Presence: Today’s Faculty by Brian Croxall
  • A Novel Departure: Fight for Your Long Day by Isaac Sweeney

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2011, (CPFA) Community College Journal

Fall 2011


  • “Administrators ate my tuition,” by Benjamin Ginsberg, pg 1
  • Letters to the Editor, pg 2
  • Report from the Chair, pg 3
  • Armando J. Mendez Memorium pg 3
  • “Student Success Task Force continues to ignore part-time faculty,” by Deborah Dahl-Shanks pg 3
  • “Committed to Justice,” by Gaylla Finnell pg 3
  • “Upcoming political changes in California: impacts on faculty TBD,” by Mona Field pg 4
  • “In Defense of Unions,” by Mark James Miller pg 6
  • “Program for Change proposes 30 incremental goals,” by Jack Longmate pg 7
  • “Districts should finance unfunded FTEs from billion-dollar reserve funds” pg 7
  • “A primer on improving contingent faculty conditions,” Heidi McGrew and Joe Untener pg 8
  • “Higher Education? How colleges are wasting our money and failing our kids — and what we can do about it” Book review by Martin Goldstein pg 10
  • “The Faculty Lounges and other reasons why you won’t get the college education you paid for” Book review by Deborah Dahl-Shanks pg 10
  • “It’s new. It’s true. State Academic Senate part-time faculty caucus” by Stacey Burks pg 11

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Spring 2011


  • Colleges Are The Tipping Point; Will The Current Crisis Take Us Beyond?
  • Letters To The Editor
  • CPFA Chair: IMHO
  • Chancellor, Academic Senate Exclude PT Faculty From Student Success Task Force
  • Your Board Of Trustees: Community Leaders And More
  • Insuring Rehire Rights For Part-time Faculty Is More Fiscally Responsible
  • CCA Creates Part-time Faculty of the Year Award
  • The Unkindly Art Of Mobbing
  • Tenure Is Not The Answer
  • Resolution 20 from 2010 CFT Convention (as amended & passed)
  • Working To Live Or Living To Work?
  • Sharecroppers ~ Poem
  • For-Profit College Recruiters Taught To Use ‘Pain,’ ‘Fear,’ Internal Documents Show
  • Ivy Chase: Public Institutions Offer Best Return On Educational Investment
  • We Need To Stop Subsidizing For-profit Colleges!
  • Casualties of the Twenty-first Century Community College
  • Lack Of Due Process Strangles Cultural Diversity
  • Cliff Liehe Receives Margaret Quan Award
  • Why You Should Write Supplements For College Textbooks
  • Faculty Union Secretary Who Criticized Pay-Raise Bill Is Asked To Step Down
  • Murders, Suicide Demonstrate Dark Side Of Part-time Condition

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2010, (CPFA) Community College Journal

Fall 2010


  • Casualties Of The Twenty-First Century Community College
  • Letters To The Editor
  • CPFA Chair Report
  • Chancellor Considers.Re-Establishing Pt Faculty Advisory Committee
  • Trustees Recommend: Create Relationships With Your Board Members
  • The Scandal Is Not Secret
  • CPFA Decade In Review – A “Charter” Activist Looks Back
  • Is English Dying In California?
  • Three Myths About The Academic Workforce: Let’s Get Real
  • The Overload Debate – How Olympic College Leveled The Field, sort of…

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2009, CPFA News

Fall 2009


  • 8th Annual CPFA Summit meeting achieves consensus on need for job security legislation
  • California Higher Education Crisis: How much worse can it get
  • Obama expands student loan forgiveness to all educators
  • Chair Report ~ John Martin
  • Part-time faculty gain access to short-term disability insurance
  • Marin’s Poet Laureate to work with community colleges
  • Letter to the editor
  • Fall 2008 data on part-time/full-time salary comparisons

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Spring 2009


  • Speaking with one voice, singing one key: and interview with Carl Friedlander and Ron Reel
  • What’s the mater with Gavilan? Efforts at bargaining unit inclusion falter
  • FACCC conference addresses budget, other issues
  • Chair Report ~ David Milroy
  • Bill introduced to help part-timers get short-term disability insurance
  • Letter to the editor
  • ACR 31 calls for increasing full-time faculty positions and providing pro rata for part-time faculty
  • Academic Senate survey results
  • National update: New Majority Faculty Day April 30

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2008, CPFA News

Fall 2008


  • Student Learning Outcomes: Who’s Assessing the Assessments? by Sandra Baringer
  • Teaching to the Test by Phyllis Eckler
  • Eight COCAL conference forging ahead with regularization strategies by Martin Goldstein
  • Chair report by David Milroy
  • Rehire Rights: Contract Comparison by Sandra Baringer
  • Basic Skills Conference: Helpful Tips to Help You by Rosalyn Kahn
  • About Tenure . . . by Frank Cosco
  • EEOC sues San Fransciso State for age discrimination

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Spring 2008


  • Cap on part-time faculty load could be lifted by Robert Yoshioka and Peg McCormack
  • A re-entry student’s perspective: Charlotte Lotts and Pamela Hanford
  • Editor’s Report: 10-year retrospective by Sandra Baringer
  • Book Reviews: Bousquet describes administrations’ decades long attack on contingent faculty by Gregory Zobel
  • Fall 2007 data on part-time/full-time salary comparisons
  • Filing for unemployment compensation over summer break by Dave Hall
  • 2008 Spring Salary Chart

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2007, CPFA News

Fall 2007


  • AFT promotes part-time faculty rights legislation campaign in 11 states by Julie Ivey
  • Universal health care in California: what’s in it for part-timers? by Sandra Baringer
  • Chair Report by David Milroy
  • AB 591 still pending; CFT backing a 67% alternative
  • Tales from the Crypt: Surviving Academic Politics by Lee Ryan
  • NEH Workshops for Community College Faculty by Dave Bush
  • Dispute at SUNY New Paltz parallels controversy in California over 60% law

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Spring 2007


  • The tipping point: cluster of bills introduced to address part-time faculty issues by Martin Goldstein
  • The trials of negotiations: health benefits for part-time faculty by John Sullivan
  • OPINION: Part-timer system works against diversity by Mike Dixon
  • Chair Report by David Milroy
  • Late-breaking news from Assembly Higher Ed Committee
  • Statewide part-time/full-time salary comparison chart, fall 2006 with union affiliation, health insurance, and office hour comparisons
  • Book review: Deja vu, For The First Time! by Lee Miller
  • Unemployment Compensation Update

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2006, CPFA News

Fall 2006


  • Meet with your legislator: a how-to guide
  • Back to the sixties: the origin of the 60% law
  • COCAL VII: the report from Vancouver
  • Academic Freedom: could this happen in your class?
  • Unemployment insurance update

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Spring 2006


2005, CPFA News

Fall 2005


Spring 2005


Earlier Articles, CPFA News

Fall 2004

Spring 2004

Spring 2003

Fall 2002