Educating fellow part-time faculty members statewide, as well as the public about part-time issues is a cornerstone of the California Part-time Faculty Association’s (CPFA) founding principles. Part of CPFA’s vision is to provide both a resource for part-time faculty and an educational platform for faculty and students alike, which focuses on improving education and working conditions in the California Community Colleges System (CCC). Below you will find a table of contents including a variety of materials and resources compiled by CPFA or contributed by the part-time faculty community, which is fully accessible to everyone free of charge on our website. Our hope is that this platform for sharing academic level work concerning important educational and social justice issues, which are less likely to be picked up by more mainstream, academic circles and news outlets, will continue educating and benefiting fellow part-timers and the general public on part-time faculty issues in the coming years as CPFA works to expand its community on the ground and online.

CPFA Journal
For over a decade, CPFA has been producing a biannual journal for circulation among members and the CCC system community at large. CPFA makes all current and past journals available on its website free of charge. Download CPFA journals as a PDF or access front page feature articles here.

CPFA e-Newsletter
CPFA works to find and deliver the inside scoop on part-time faculty issues straight to your inbox. You can read past issues by visiting the e-Newsletter Archive and you can sign up for CPFA’s mailing list to receive future editions.

Must-Read Books!
Don’t miss CPFA’s Must-Reads Book List. It’s the place to find scholarly work published on issues related to part-time faculty working conditions and effects, working conditions in higher education, and strategies and handbooks for improving or addressing part-time faculty teaching.

Follow The Money!
Check out this pay comparison chart, published in 2008 in the CPFA journal and the figures reported to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office by individual community college districts in 2011. See how far an institution departs from statewide averages in Numbers Don’t Lie.

Additional Publications
CPFA has collected a variety of additional publications, analyses, and reports educating part-timers and the public on part-time issues. These can be accessed by clicking on the links provided on the Additional Publications Page.

Additional Resources
CPFA has been compiling a list of important external links and materials for educators, part-time faculty, and anyone seeking information on CCC system working conditions and on quality education. See the full list here.
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