Welcome to The CPFA Blog

We’ve collected a variety of original news stories and analyses for your perusing, which focus on education in California, part-time faculty and/or unions in academia that have broad national appeal. As might be expected, we take special interest in social justice issues that slip under the radar of the mainstream media.

Please see our Submit Content to the CPFA Blog to add your voice to the growing chorus calling for equity for part-time faculty in higher education.

Building Our Future: The One-Tier Model is The Answer!

The Campaign for Faculty Equality (CFE) is a new statewide organization that aims to work in conjunction with existing advocacy ...

Tenured Faculty: Friend or Foe?

by Jack Longmate At the Higher Ed Labor United (HELU) conference of July 20, 2023, a number of the non-tenure-track ...

Life as a Contingent Faculty Member

By Carolyn Kuimelis and Mary Ellen Flannery Republished with permission of the National Education Association (NEA). Originally published 05/23/2023 at ...

Chair’s Report 2023

A new, two-year legislative cycle in Sacramento began this year, and with it, up to a quarter of California’s Senate ...

CPFA Legislative Efforts

By Daniel Thompson, CPFA Legislative Analyst This year the CPFA Legislative Task Force met with over a dozen offices of ...

Pursuing a One-Tier Faculty Workplace

By Jack Longmate The two-tier workplace, with an upper tier of tenured faculty and a lower tier of non-tenured faculty, ...

The Annual CPFA Conference 2023

The Annual CPFA Conference "One Tier System: It’s Time" May 6, 2023 from 10am to 4:30pm (On Zoom) Register Now ...

Executive Council Elections 2023

CPFA Elections 2023 Elected Results Below It is that time of year again! Nominations for the CPFA Executive Council (EC) ...

How to negotiate with the State of California

By Robert Yoshioka, Ph.D.Originally published in the CPFA Journal, Fall 2016 Is there a Problem Here? You are a part-timer ...

Faculty Apartheid in Higher Education

Why Adjuncts Can’t Just Take Over the Unions By Jack Longmate and Keith Hoeller Union Democracy Review originally Published by ...

Chair’s Report, Fall 2022

A Note from the Chair of CPFA Dear Readers, In the past, I have always provided my “Report” on CPFA’s ...

Should Contingents Support More Tenure-Track Jobs?

By Jack Longmate When hearing about proposals to fund new tenure-track jobs, adjuncts might think to themselves: “If I could ...