Welcome to The CPFA Blog

We’ve collected a variety of original news stories and analyses for your perusing, which focus on education in California, part-time faculty and/or unions in academia that have broad national appeal. As might be expected, we take special interest in social justice issues that slip under the radar of the mainstream media.

Please see our Submit Content to the CPFA Blog to add your voice to the growing chorus calling for equity for part-time faculty in higher education.

CPFA’s Letter to NACIQI

CPFA's Letter to The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) asks the Department of Education NOT to reauthorize the authority of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) to act as the accrediting agency of the California Community Colleges System. ____________________________________________________ September 23, 2015 SUBJECT:   Third ...

Podcast from Chris Newfield

Chris blogs at XXX.href="http://utotherescue.blogspot.com/"> He has recently spoken at length to CS Soong at KPFA and I recommend this podcast! https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-september-1-2015/ ...
/ Newsworthy

Letter to the NACIQI, Sacramento

TO:  National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) DATE: September 23, 2015 SUBJECT:  Third Party Comment on the Continuation of recognition of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), Novato, California I am an educator and the Director of Public Relations and Communication for the California ...

Task Force on Accreditation Adopted

Oakland, Calif. - The California Community College Board of Governors unanimously voted two days ago to formally adopt the recommendations of the Task Force on Accreditation.  The Task Force  released a report in late August of 2015 which detailed the reasons for its recommendations to search for an alternative accrediting agency, as ...

CPFA Journal now circulating in print and electronically

The spring 2015 issue contains an important article by Bradley Rettele on his decision to leave academia, even though he only took one sick day in 11 years, was never late and filled his classes year after year by practicing dedicated and exemplary teaching. Check out Marnie Weigle's article on ...

Legislative UPDATE: New Part-time Faculty Seniority Bill in the Works

AB1010 (Medina)CPFA is carefully watching the progress, amendments and lobbying action on this bill, meant to strengthen  Part-time Faculty  job security. Jose Medina, the sponsor of this bill, is the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Higher Education, of the California State Assembly; he was elected in 2012\ and represents California's 61st Assembly ...

National Adjunct Walkout Day Action in Sacramento

Please join part-time faculty and allies for a day of action at the state Capitol building on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 11 am. The gathering, based on an idea from California Part-Time Faculty Association (CPFA) member Beth Clary during  a discussion of National Adjunct Walkout Day (NAWD), is aimed ...

Due Process Denied to Community College Instructor

Greetings, My name is Tim Raposa and I am the new Director of Public Relations for the California Part-Time Faculty Association. CPFA has sent this press release to the media in response to the recent controversy involving part-time community college instructor Jaye Brown and Shasta College. We think that this ...
/ Newsworthy, Press Releases

Freeway Fliers Documentary Being Made

Freeway Fliers: A Documentary about Higher Education's Best Kept Secret is an upcoming film by Brad Rettele, Professor X and Professor Y, the latter two being anonymous adjuncts involved in the project. The film promises to shed light on how our working conditions not only affect part time faculty, but ...

Reflections on COCAL XI

Thanks to the convergence of generous funding from CCCI and the support of De Anza’s VP for Instruction who finds value in the Faculty Association’s members being as up-to-date on bargaining issues as possible, I was able to attend this year’s Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL) conference. Billed as ...

Rehire Rights of AB 852 Explained

Assemblymember Paul Fong (D - Mountain View) will again sponsor rehire rights legislation, AB 852, to aid the job security of part-time faculty throughout the California’s community college system. But before giving more details, it’s important to acknowledge that CCA developed the language and laid the foundation for this new ...
/ Press Releases

CPFA Supports National Adjunct Walkout Day

California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA) supports National Adjunct Walkout Day (NAWD): "On February 25, 2015 adjuncts across the country will come together to insist on fair wages and better working conditions." On that day, CPFA members will hold a march in Sacramento. All interested advocates are welcome to join ...

Interview: National Adjunct Walkout Day

by Marnie Webster | 1 November 2014 Interest has skyrocketed regarding an anonymous call to action made via Facebook on October 1st. The post states simply that “adjuncts across the country will come together” next February to “insist on fair wages and better working conditions.” This mysterious announcement coupled with ...

Governor, A Budget Request

Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814 October 31, 2014 Re: What Part-time Faculty Need to Promote Student Success—Budget Request Dear Governor Brown, The California Community College System is charged with educating nearly 2.5 million students annually, and has for over 40 years presumed the dedication ...

National Adjunct Walkout Day Is Everyone’s Plan

28 October 2014 National Adjunct Walkout Day (NAWD) is on the tip of many adjuncts’ tongues, as well it should be. Such an action is long overdue. On Twitter, FaceBook, listservs, and the new NAWD discussion board, adjuncts are sharing ways in which all of us can participate, from more ...