Welcome to The CPFA Blog

We’ve collected a variety of original news stories and analyses for your perusing, which focus on education in California, part-time faculty and/or unions in academia that have broad national appeal. As might be expected, we take special interest in social justice issues that slip under the radar of the mainstream media.

Please see our Submit Content to the CPFA Blog to add your voice to the growing chorus calling for equity for part-time faculty in higher education.

Tenure for the Common Good

BY CAROLYN BETENSKY Guest Blogger / September 14, 2017 ACADEME BLOG, The blog of Academe magazine [Tenure for the Common Good has been re-posted with permission of the author] Those with the least job security in our institutions have shown the most bravery in facing a phenomenon that has ...

Why Overloads Are a Bad Deal for All Faculty

BY JEFF BAKER (Re-posted with permission of the author) Originally published July 27, 2016, ACADEME BLOG, The blog of Academe magazine The word overload can have more than one meaning to higher education faculty. It can mean increasing class size or adding additional course sections to the faculty ...

ACTION NEEDED: Due Process Bill in Jeopardy!

Colleagues! We need you to send emails to state Senators ASAP telling them to support CCCI's-sponsored bill AB 1651, authored by Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes. The bill will be voted on by the full Senate in either late-August or early-September. The Community College League, representing boards of trustees and chief ...

The Academic Labor System of Faculty Apartheid

This excerpt has been posted on the CPFA website with the express permission of its author. CPFA's Must-Read Book Spotlight. Buy the book on Amazon. Equality for Contingent Faculty: Overcoming the Two-Tier System by Keith Hoeller (Editor, Author) Chapter 5 In 2009, Money Magazine published a survey titled “The 50 ...

May Day March for Freedom & Equality

  David Milroy and Carol Whaley: "Whose streets? OUR streets!" For part-time faculty across the state of California, Labor Day is much more than a day of commemoration. It is also a day to carry on the march for the universal right to live free, happy and productive lives ...


Equality for Contingent Faculty: Overcoming the Two-Tier System Paperback – May 9, 2014 by Keith Hoeller (Editor) Buy it now on Amazon "The picture of our exploitation that emerges is frightening to reflect on. This book is a 'must read'." --Robert B. Yoshioka, Legislative Analyst, California Part-Time Faculty Association Overview. Vice ...

CPFA Thanks Assembly Member Jose Medina

On Wednesday, April 26th, CPFA Chair, John Martin, presented Assembly Member Medina with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of all California's part-time faculty in the California Community Colleges System (CCC System) and thanked him for his unwavering support and success getting AB 1690 and SB 1379 approved and signed into law on ...


The Freeway Flier and the Life of the Mind
By Jean Waggoner and Douglas Snow – 2011 Author, Jean Waggoner, was the Keynote Speaker at the CPFA Annual Conference 2012

Overview. “This is a book about faculty striving to make a living that leaves time for the mind. It is also ...

Contingent Faculty Bill of Rights

Dear Contingent Faculty, Every so often, on this list and at conferences, people comment that the contingent faculty movement needs a new narrative.  Given the lack of  progress over the years, it is hard to argue with that contention. While contingents can’t be blamed for seeking tenure, it may ...
/ Teachers' Rights

SB 1379 and Job Security for Part-time Faculty

The Honorable Governor Jerry Brown c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841   September 8, 2016 Re: SB 1379 and Job Security for Part-time Faculty Dear Governor Brown: As Chair of the California Part-Time Faculty Association (CPFA), I am writing to express CPFA’s unqualified support for ...

AB 1690 and Job Security for Part-time Faculty

The Honorable Governor Jerry Brown c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841   August 26, 2016   RE: AB 1690 and Job Security for Part-time Faculty Dear Governor Brown, As the chair of the California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA), I am writing to express CPFA’s ...

We Was Robbed

Your Job Negotiated Every Day When I first started working as a part-timer, the job with its duties, working arrangements, and responsibilities felt natural. I figured people smarter and more experienced than I am had figured out an equitable working arrangement for everyone, and things—meaning specifically, my hoped-for middle-class existence—would ...

Parity in California Community Colleges

The fall 2015  CPFA Journal  contains a long article that explains the history of pay parity achieved by the 72 California community college districts, from 1985 to 2013 (the last year for which we have data).  The data sources are all from the Chancellor's office Datamart (from 2000-2013) and from ...

Part-time Faculty activism and job loss: The fightback landscape

I have been wondering about how to develop a system, nationwide or statewide, that would serve as some sort of a -shield for activists who are facing harassment, termination or pressures at their home institution(s).  Increasing numbers of high-profile activists are being run out of their departments, suddenly find themselves ...

Article alleges CalSTRS is the biggest investor in an East Bay Real Estate empire that evicts people

Part-time faculty should be concerned about this newly released investigative piece, published yesterday in the East Bay Express.  It alleges that a real estate network called Lone Star has been busy evicting people in Oakland and other East Bay communities after buying up "distressed" property.  Should we campaign to have ...