Welcome to The CPFA Blog

We’ve collected a variety of original news stories and analyses for your perusing, which focus on education in California, part-time faculty and/or unions in academia that have broad national appeal. As might be expected, we take special interest in social justice issues that slip under the radar of the mainstream media.

Please see our Submit Content to the CPFA Blog to add your voice to the growing chorus calling for equity for part-time faculty in higher education.

National Adjunct Walkout Day Action in Sacramento

Please join part-time faculty and allies for a day of action at the state Capitol building on Wednesday, February 25, ...

Reflections on COCAL XI

Thanks to the convergence of generous funding from CCCI and the support of De Anza’s VP for Instruction who finds ...

Rehire Rights of AB 852 Explained

Assemblymember Paul Fong (D - Mountain View) will again sponsor rehire rights legislation, AB 852, to aid the job security ...

CPFA Supports National Adjunct Walkout Day

California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA) supports National Adjunct Walkout Day (NAWD): "On February 25, 2015 adjuncts across the country ...

Interview: National Adjunct Walkout Day

by Marnie Webster | 1 November 2014 Interest has skyrocketed regarding an anonymous call to action made via Facebook on ...

Governor, A Budget Request

Governor Jerry Brown c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 October 31, 2014 Re: What Part-time Faculty Need to ...

National Adjunct Walkout Day Is Everyone’s Plan

28 October 2014 National Adjunct Walkout Day (NAWD) is on the tip of many adjuncts’ tongues, as well it should ...

Precariat of the World Unite?

17 October 2014 -- Guy Standing The term “Precariat” has been bandied around for some time now as a convenient ...

Solidarity Monument | Diagram for a Proposal

by Robby Herbst ©RobbyHerbst Robby Herbst is an artist, writer, and radically oriented cultural organizer. Follow him on Facebook or ...

Adjunct Faculty Must Lead

by Dennis Selder The New York Times recently ran a story that finds empirical evidence corroborating the economic struggle most working people experience:  "A ...

CCSF Critic’s Biased, Deeply Flawed Argument

by Richard B. Simon As a faculty member at City College of San Francisco -- and an expatriate New Yorker ...