• Let the “Tracks” Merge

    By Joseph G. Ramsey, PhDFaculty Staff Union (FSU/MTA/NEA)Senior Lecturer, UMass Bostonjgramsey@gmail.com  Is there any other profession besides professor @ academia where you can have the same degree, same (or more) teaching experience, same (or better) […]

  • CPFA Celebrates 25 Years: A Founder Reflects

    This year marks CPFA’s 25th anniversary. There are still a few of us who remember those early days, and who are hopeful that the next 25 years will bring even greater changes to the workscape for roughly 35,000+ highly qualified educators who toil daily to keep the community college system in California not only afloat, but also healthy.

  • On Seeking Broad, Systemic Change

    Since 1998, the California Part-time Faculty Association (CPFA) has been a leader in calling out the injustices facing part-time faculty working within California’s community college system: no job security, no due process, scant seniority rights, […]

  • The Campaign for Faculty Equality

    The newly formed Campaign for Faculty Equality (CFE) seeks to correct the broken faculty system in California’s community colleges, particularly the incredibly unequal two-tier faculty structure, a decades-long problem consigned to the shadows of academia. […]

  • Building Our Future: The One-Tier Model is The Answer!

    The Campaign for Faculty Equality (CFE) is a new statewide organization that aims to work in conjunction with existing advocacy groups and to serve as a forum of strategic thinking and action among those who […]

  • Tenured Faculty: Friend or Foe?

    by Jack Longmate At the Higher Ed Labor United (HELU) conference of July 20, 2023, a number of the non-tenure-track (NTT) speakers underscored the importance of collaboration with tenure-track (TT) faculty.  Not as avidly expressed […]

  • Life as a Contingent Faculty Member

    By Carolyn Kuimelis and Mary Ellen Flannery Republished with permission of the National Education Association (NEA). Originally published 05/23/2023 at NEA Today. The higher education system depends on the labor of adjuncts, yet these faculty remain […]

  • Chair’s Report 2023

    A new, two-year legislative cycle in Sacramento began this year, and with it, up to a quarter of California’s Senate and Assembly were newly sworn in. New legislators are usually relatively fresh to the process […]

  • CPFA Legislative Efforts

    By Daniel Thompson, CPFA Legislative Analyst This year the CPFA Legislative Task Force met with over a dozen offices of members of the California State Assembly and State Senate.  The Legislative Task Force advocated two […]

  • Pursuing a One-Tier Faculty Workplace

    The two-tier workplace, with an upper tier of tenured faculty and a lower tier of non-tenured faculty, has been the norm in U.S. higher education for half a century, long enough to have enabled several generations to become acculturated to it.  Just as it seems natural and normal for water to run downhill, no one is surprised when adjuncts are not paid the same as tenured instructors. 

  • How to negotiate with the State of California

    You are a part-timer.  As one of approximately forty-thousand teachers employed across California community colleges, your labor is being used to subsidize the salaries of not just full-time faculty but a hierarchy of administrators who use us as a cash cow.  If you’re okay with that—with the guy in the classroom right next to yours making double for teaching a different section of the same class—or if you find yourself relatively free of financial stress or job insecurity, then read no further.  If, on the other hand, you agree there is a problem, then read on!

  • Faculty Apartheid in Higher Education

    Nearly seventy years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that separate can never be equal and struck down racial segregation in our nation’s K-12 public schools (Brown v. Board of Education). Yet in the past fifty years, higher education has instituted a separate but unequal system of faculty employment based on tenure-status. . . .

  • Chair’s Report, Fall 2022

    A Note from the Chair of CPFA Dear Readers, In the past, I have always provided my “Report” on CPFA’s efforts in the fight for part-time faculty rights in California. However, this time I feel […]

  • Should Contingents Support More Tenure-Track Jobs?

    By Jack Longmate When hearing about proposals to fund new tenure-track jobs, adjuncts might think to themselves: “If I could only get a tenure-track job, I could say ‘Good riddance’ to this dead-end adjunct gig […]

  • Sue Broxholm Interview

    AFT 1493 FACULTY FOCUS Sue Broxholm, Skyline Math Professor, advocates for the end of the “Two-Tier system” that divides full-time and part-time faculty Interview by Marianne Kaletzky, AFT 1493 Executive Secretary Sue Broxholm has been […]
