• book-stack

    Resolution Against Overloads

    CPFA RESOLUTION AGAINST FULL-TIME FACULTY TEACHING OVERLOADS IN THE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Background: The California Part-time Faculty Association has long held that full-time faculty in the California Community College system should not be allowed […]

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Part-Time Faculty

    By David Milroy, Carol Whaley, and Alexis Moore The California Part-Time Faculty Association (CPFA) sent out a survey to part-time faculty all over the state and the responses are even more alarming than one might […]

  • Parity in California Community Colleges

    The fall 2015  CPFA Journal  contains a long article that explains the history of pay parity achieved by the 72 California community college districts, from 1985 to 2013 (the last year for which we have […]
