Support For AB 1856: Workload Cap Increase
Letter to Assembly Member Medina expressing CPFA's endorsement of AB 1856, which would raise the workload cap on part-time faculty to up to 85% of a full time equivalent.
California Part-time Faculty Association Endorses the following Vision The One-Tier Model of Faculty Employment Context: The College for All Act of 2021, has been heralded as “the most substantial federal investment in higher education in […]
WHY THE 67% CAP SHOULD BE RAISED REJOINDERS TO COMMON CLAIMS AGAINST AB 897 California is the only state in the country to have a state law preventing part-time faculty from teaching more than 67% […]
Report (with some personal commentary) on The CFT 80% Resolution By John Govsky, Co-Chair CFT Part-Time Faculty Committee The California Federation of Teachers (CFT), at its 2018 convention, passed a resolution stating that the CFT […]