• CPFA Sponsors AB 2277: Raising the Part-Time Faculty Workload Cap

    AB 2277 will increase the maximum number of instructional hours that a part-time California Community College faculty member may teach at any one community college district and allow students to build stronger relationships with existing […]

  • How to negotiate with the State of California

    You are a part-timer.  As one of approximately forty-thousand teachers employed across California community colleges, your labor is being used to subsidize the salaries of not just full-time faculty but a hierarchy of administrators who use us as a cash cow.  If you’re okay with that—with the guy in the classroom right next to yours making double for teaching a different section of the same class—or if you find yourself relatively free of financial stress or job insecurity, then read no further.  If, on the other hand, you agree there is a problem, then read on!

  • Equal Pay for Equal Work

    by Eric Kaljumägi, CCA President CCA/CTA Co-sponsored Legislation AB 1752 (Santiago) For too long, Long Beach City College (LBCC) and other community colleges throughout the state have unfairly and unlawfully exploited part-time faculty. This exploitation […]

  • CPFA Co-Sponsors Part-time Faculty Teaching Load Bill

    PRESS RELEASE The California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA) announces that it will be co-sponsoring the new “Part-time Faculty Teaching Load” bill, AB 897 along with the California Federation of Teachers (CFT). Introduced to state legislators […]

  • Legislative UPDATE: New Part-time Faculty Seniority Bill in the Works

    AB1010 (Medina) CPFA is carefully watching the progress, amendments and lobbying action on this bill, meant to strengthen  Part-time Faculty  job security.  Jose Medina, the sponsor of this bill, is the Chair of the Assembly […]
