Sacramento, CA. The CPFA Executive Council announces the launch of a new blog, CPFA Forum Blog, which will attempt to keep up with the rapid cycling of Part-time faculty news and perspectives developing in the state. Links to relevant news, independent legislative analysis, national coverage of adjuncts, narratives and personal stories, and ‘nuts and bolts’ posts on retirement, eligibility and rights, activism and agitation—all these will crowd the blog.
Expect to see us synthesize and analyze material coming from the statewide and local branches of the California Federation of Teachers, the University Professional and Technical Employees, the California Teachers Association, and the independent unions, as well as highlight, analyze, or link to material from the AAUP, the NFM, and COCAL. CPFA Forum Blog will also be a key transmission link to other blogs dedicated to the Part-time struggle for parity and inclusion.
At the same time, it will feature individual stories of life in the adjunct lane. Personal stories will be front and center every week! This blog will be updated weekly and will be a compliment to the twice-yearly publication of the Community College Journal.
Bloggers who want to contribute daily, weekly or occasional posts should contact the editor-in-chief, Dennis Selder,
Writers who wish to contribute to the journal (published twice-yearly) should contact our CPFA editer at,