John Martin, CPFA Chair, Speaking at the CPFA Conference 2018
CPFA 2018 Annual Conference 
San Diego City College, Saturday May 5, 2018​
  • John-Martin-at-podium-introducing-speakers-and-panel-discussion-CPFA-Conference
    Faculty Panel: (L-R) John Martin, CPFA Chair; Carol Whaley, San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association, Chair; Josue Arredondo, CCA Southern PT Director; Susan Pyne, Mira Costa College Associate Faculty Association; Alexis Moore, Pasadena City College Faculty Association; Frank Cosco, Vancouver Community College.
Panelists discussed local achievements for PT faculty, goals for equity and office hours, moving the 67% PT load limit to 80% or 100%, the impact of the Janus decision on union relations with PT faculty. Will they improve or get worse?
Frank Cosco described the Vancouver model for faculty hiring: a single hiring process for all faculty, immediate parity pay, regularization after 6 months with right of first refusal and seniority, full benefits and full  faculty work load based on you assignment.
For example, if you have a 50% load, you receive 50% of a full salary and are required to teach 50% of a full load, perform 50% of the office hours and do 50% of the committee work. Auxiliary (subs) are limited to 3 days, after which they become “term” with and are in the faculty pool. There is no reliance on or exploitation of temporary, low-paid faculty without benefits and little chance of becoming full-time, as in the US model with tenured and adjunct faculty. CPFA was very honored to have Frank Cosco come to our conference and speak to PT faculty from all over California.
Hopefully his message about unions working for the good of all, of creating a fair and professional environment for all faculty and realizing that we need to improve the working conditions of all faculty if we are truly going to protect and promote our students and their educations.
Integrity and honesty….these must always be the guiding force in unions.
Many thanks to our guest speakers and to all who attended the CPFA Annual Conference 2018.
David Milroy, Director of Administration
California Part-Time Faculty Association

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