• Chair’s Report 2023

    A new, two-year legislative cycle in Sacramento began this year, and with it, up to a quarter of California’s Senate and Assembly were newly sworn in. New legislators are usually relatively fresh to the process […]

  • CPFA Legislative Efforts

    By Daniel Thompson, CPFA Legislative Analyst This year the CPFA Legislative Task Force met with over a dozen offices of members of the California State Assembly and State Senate.  The Legislative Task Force advocated two […]

  • Pursuing a One-Tier Faculty Workplace

    The two-tier workplace, with an upper tier of tenured faculty and a lower tier of non-tenured faculty, has been the norm in U.S. higher education for half a century, long enough to have enabled several generations to become acculturated to it.  Just as it seems natural and normal for water to run downhill, no one is surprised when adjuncts are not paid the same as tenured instructors.