1. Elements of the VCC-VCCFA Collective Agreement that support fairness for Term Faculty – November 2020
2. Excerpt of data from the VCCFA Seniority Chart – November 2020
3. Publications containing descriptions of the employment model of the VCCFA Collective Agreement
Cosco, Frank. “The Vancouver Model of Equality for College Faculty Employment” in Holler, Keith, ed. Equality for Contingent Faculty: Overcoming the Two-Tier System. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2014.
Cosco, Frank and Jack Longmate. “An Instructive Model of How More Equity and Equality is Possible: The Vancouver Community College Model.” In Kezar, Adrianna, ed. Embracing Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Changing Campuses for the New Faculty Majority. New York: Routledge, 2012.
4. Program for Change.
Cosco and Longmate urge activists to start working on change. This document (2010, updated in 2016) is a type of strategic plan for improving over 30 different aspects of post-secondary work. For each aspect, there is a suggestion for breaking goals into stages and checkpoints for measuring progress. Examples include union democracy, status conversion, and salary progression on scale.
This document is normally available on the VCCFA website: vccfa.ca. Currently, the site is under transition and the document should be up again in early 2021.
5. Collective Agreement.
Bargaining for a renewed 2019-2022 Collective Agreement was recently completed and the new document is being edited. It should be available at the website, vccfa.ca, in early 2021.
Currently viewable is Collective Agreement (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019) Vancouver Community College and Vancouver Community College Faculty Association.
6. Expanded Text of Longmate’s CPFA/FACCC presentation.
7. (Draft) COCAL Proposal to End Contingency: Contingent Faculty Bill of Rights
Makes the case that contingency as it generally exists in the U.S. amounts a Human Rights violation. Its two-page Appendix A, entitled “An Alternative to the Two-Tier Faculty Workforce: The Vancouver Model” urges the adoption of the Vancouver Model as a solution.